Reflections and Questions on the subjet of abortion
in the three Monotheistic Religions
After the address of welcome addressed to those who were present and the illustration of the objectives that the AIEDI (International Association for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue) intends to pursue, its President Dr. Francesco Ercolano gave the floor to the Hon. Prof. Carlo Casini, President of the Movement for Life and Member of European Parliament, who in his speech emphasized the sacred value of human life which could become the core value of a true Interreligious Dialogue. Afterwards there have been reports respectively of the Rev. Prof. Maurizio P. Faggioni, OFM, of Rav. Ariel Di Porto as well as of the Islamic Speaker, Mostafa El Ayoubi.
During the debate apart from the interventions of the three Speakers, there have been also other two, the one of a gynecologist and another one of a Malagasy priest.